
What is Manuka Honey?: Unveiling the Characteristics, Effects, Selection, Use, and Precautions

Discover the Marvels of Manuka Honey: A Comprehensive Guide for Health-Conscious

Manuka Honey is a remarkable variety of honey renowned for its exceptional health benefits. Produced in the pristine landscapes of New Zealand, this golden elixir is derived from bees that diligently collect nectar from the native manuka bush. Packed with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, Manuka Honey is a must-have for health-conscious, family-oriented people. In this article, we will delve into the characteristics, effects, selection process, safe usage, and precautions associated with Manuka Honey.


Unraveling the Essence of Manuka Honey

Originating from New Zealand, Manuka Honey is a precious gift from nature. Bees diligently collect nectar from the exquisite manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium), a small evergreen tree indigenous to New Zealand. The manuka bush graces the spring season with its vibrant blooms for a limited time, offering bees a fleeting opportunity to gather the precious nectar that becomes this extraordinary honey.


The Enchanting Origins of Manuka Honey

The captivating allure of Nelson Manuka Honey lies in its exclusive origin. This exceptional honey is produced in the pristine landscapes of New Zealand, where strict government regulations safeguard its authenticity and quality. To bear the coveted title of N. Z. Manuka Honey, it must be meticulously produced within the boundaries of New Zealand and must first pass the minimum testing requirements set out by the New Zealand Government.


The Art of Crafting Manuka Honey

The art of crafting Manuka Honey mirrors the process of creating other honey varieties. Bees diligently collect nectar from the resplendent manuka flowers, storing it within their honeycombs. Over time, the nectar ferments and transforms into the golden elixir known as honey. This exquisite honey is then carefully extracted and bottled, ready to be savored and utilized for its manifold benefits.


Unveiling the Uniqueness of Manuka Honey

Manuka Honey stands apart from other honey varieties due to its extraordinary properties. In addition to its glorious taste and texture, what distinguishes Manuka Honey most is its elevated levels of MGO, a remarkable compound believed to be the driving force behind its health benefits. When combined with your local honey, Manuka Honey forms a potent blend that combats local allergies with remarkable efficacy.


Manuka Honey: Unleashing the Potential Health 7 Benefits


Manuka Honey has garnered significant attention for its array of potential health benefits. Let's explore some of the ways in which this golden elixir can enhance your well-being:


  • Antibacterial properties: Manuka Honey exhibits exceptional efficacy against a broad spectrum of bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant strains. Alleviation of gastrointestinal diseases such as enterococci, peptic ulcer, and Streptococcus pyogenes.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: This remarkable honey possesses anti-inflammatory properties, making it an ideal companion in combating conditions such as acne, eczema, and arthritis.
  • Antioxidant properties: Abundant in antioxidants, Manuka Honey shields your cells from damage and potentially lowers the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's.
  • Wound healing properties: Manuka Honey promotes wound healing by eliminating bacteria and stimulating tissue growth, making it a valuable aid in treating cuts, burns, and ulcers.
  • Immune-boosting properties: By bolstering the production of white blood cells, Manuka Honey strengthens your immune system, providing a defense against infections.
  • Effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria: Manuka Honey has shown promising results against various antibiotic-resistant bacteria, offering a potential treatment avenue for infections that do not respond to other antibiotics***.
  • Other potential health benefits: Apart from the aforementioned advantages, Manuka Honey may positively impact heart health by reducing cholesterol levels, improve digestion, mitigate the risk of stomach ulcers, help protect against cancer, and aid in wound healing, burns, skin conditions, oral health, and gum disease.


Decoding the Significance of MGO

MGO, or methylglyoxal, plays a vital role in determining the quality and efficacy of Manuka Honey. Let's explore how MGO contributes to the uniqueness of this golden elixir.


New Zealand Government Regulations

The New Zealand government holds the authenticity and quality of Manuka Honey in high regard. Rigorous regulations ensure that honey labeled as Manuka Honey adheres to strict standards. For honey to bear this coveted label, it must be processed, packed, and labelled in exclusively New Zealand to ensure it is 100% authentic New Zealand Manuka Honey.


Understanding UMF, MGS, and MGO

Since January 2015, the New Zealand government recognizes three primary grading systems to assess the effectiveness of Manuka Honey: UMF, MGS, and MGO. Among these, MGO and UMF are the most commonly employed standards. The MGO test method is widely regarded as more accurate and less prone to errors than the UMF test method, boasting a rigorous and precise assessment system.


The Marvelous MGO Content

In 2006, German Professor Thomas Henle identified dietary methylglyoxal (MGO) as the compound responsible for Manuka Honey's antibacterial properties*. New Zealand Manuka Honey exhibits MGO concentrations ranging from 38 mg/kg to approximately 761 mg/kg, surpassing ordinary honey by up to 100 times in potency**.


Grades Unveiled

Manuka Honey is graded based on its MGO content, with higher MGO levels signifying stronger antibacterial properties. The following grades are commonly found:


100+ MGO: Contains over 100 mg/kg of MGO

300+ MGO: Contains over 300 mg/kg of MGO

550+ MGO: Contains over 550 mg/kg of MGO

850+ MGO: Contains over 850 mg/kg of MGO

1200+ MGO: Contains over 1200 mg/kg of MGO


Effects of Different MGO Content

Refer to the table below to select the ideal Manuka Honey based on UMF and MGO ratings:






- -


Perfect for Entry-level customers or those in “Maintenance Mode”



Active Protection Grade



Enhanced Protection Grade



High-Grade Antibacterial activity



Therapeutic Grade 1 - Provides benefits to the digestive system and offers Antibacterial Protection



Therapeutic Grade 2 - Very high Antibacterial activity for overall wellness enhancement



Therapeutic Grade 3 - Ultra-high Antibacterial properties. Powerful Antioxidant / Anti-inflammatory benefits


The Intricate Process of Manuka Honey Production

MGO develops when the sugars present in Manuka Honey break down. While the precise mechanism is not fully understood, it involves the collaborative action of enzymes and bacteria.


Unveiling the Batch Track System

The Batch Track system empowers consumers to trace the origin and quality of their Manuka Honey. Each jar of Manuka Honey bears a unique Batch Track code that can be entered on the manufacturer's website, providing valuable insights into the honey's production location and MGO content.


Selecting the Finest Manuka Honey

When choosing Manuka Honey, it is imperative to opt for certified honey from reputable brands that align with the New Zealand government's guidelines. This ensures that the honey has undergone rigorous testing to verify its MGO content and adheres to the organization's stringent quality standards.


Cracking the Label Code

When perusing the labels, look for the MGO, UMF, or MGS grading system, as these indicators guarantee the authenticity of Manuka Honey. These certifications are established through thorough testing and grading conducted by designated laboratories.


Embracing the Power of Manuka Honey

Manuka Honey offers versatile applications for both internal and external use:

  • Internal Use: Embrace the goodness of Manuka Honey by consuming it directly, incorporating it into your meals and beverages, brewing it as a soothing tea, or using it as a natural sweetener for yogurt and smoothies.
For a wealth of information and delightful recipes to relish Manuka Honey, please read our article Delve into the Enchanting World of Manuka Honey: Exploring Its Health Benefits and Delectable Ways to Indulge.


  • External Use: Unleash the potential of Manuka Honey by applying it topically on your skin or incorporating it into your skincare routine. It works wonders in treating skin conditions like acne, eczema, and burns, lending a gentle touch of nourishment and healing.


Caring for Your Manuka Honey

To preserve the longevity and quality of your premium Manuka Honey, adhere to the following tips:

  • Longevity Tips: Store your Manuka Honey in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Extreme temperatures can impact its texture and flavor, so it's best to shield it from such conditions. By storing it correctly, you can relish the exceptional quality of Manuka Honey for an extended period.
  • Natural Crystallization: Crystallization is a natural process in Manuka Honey, resulting from its high sugar content. To restore it to its liquid state, gently warm the jar in a bowl of lukewarm water, being careful not to overheat it. Store it at room temperature, shielding it from excessive heat, humidity, and direct sunlight. Avoid refrigeration. Aim to maintain a temperature below 77  degrees Fahrenheit (25 degrees Celsius).
  • Safety First: Not Suitable for Children Under 1 Year Old. It's essential to note that Manuka Honey may contain residual botulism, which can be harmful to children under one year of age. Therefore, it is advised to avoid giving Manuka Honey to children in this age group and take necessary precautions to ensure the safety of young children who may put objects in their mouths.


In Conclusion: What is Manuka Honey?

Manuka Honey stands as a unique and invaluable treasure, brimming with potential health benefits. To acquire high-quality Manuka Honey, visit our online shop Bee-Kindly, where you'll find a diverse range of Manuka Honey products, all certified by reputable organizations. Embrace the power of Manuka Honey and unlock a world of well-being.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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